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Different Types of Slim-Down Diets

Before and After BMI

August 27, 2014

Different Types of Slim-Down Diets

If you’re struggling to slim down enough to achieve your goal of a healthy, happy life, it can be tempting to try one of the many “miracle” weight loss techniques that pop up time and time again. If you’ve tried over and over to change your eating habits and exercise regime to no avail, then the promise of something that will help you to shed the pounds quickly might prove alluring. Before you embrace the newest craze, it’s important to really understand what you’re getting into. We took a closer look at four different weight-loss techniques:


Shivering Away the Weight

The shiver technique works on the premise that low temperatures boost weight loss thanks to the body’s natural response to cold. Believers in this theory advocate sleeping with cold packs, exercising in just shorts and a vest in the freezing cold, and taking long ice baths. Now, weight loss isn’t always an easy process, but this doesn’t sound like fun to us! Looking at the science, the process of shivering produces heat and more “brown fat,” a type of body fat that burns up calories, so it makes sense that temperature has an effect on weight. But to get dramatic results from the shiver technique, you really need to commit to it in the long term, so be prepared for a lot of unpleasantness.


Atkins Diet

We all know that the amount of food you eat has an effect on your weight, but it’s even more important to cut down on the amount of carbohydrates you are consuming. Millions of people around the globe have already lost significant amounts of weight by incorporating the Atkins Diet into their lifestyle. The diet omits starchy, sugary carbohydrates that are low in nutrients, and advocates foods that are high in protein such as fish, chicken, shellfish, and pork. This diet also focuses on health fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados. Not only is this diet a quick and effective way to lose weight, but it’s unbelievably simple to follow. For starters, you will never be hungry because you’ll be eating every two to three hours. Another plus is that you don’t even have to exercise! Although it’s always wise to ensure that you are staying physically active, it’s nice to know you can still lose weight if your schedule doesn’t allow for an ample amount of gym time.


Diet Like a Caveman

The Paleo Diet, named after the Paleolithic age during which our cave-dwelling ancestors roamed the earth, has been around for a number of years, but only recently became one of the most popular weight-loss crazes around. The diet bans foods that weren’t available to cavemen, such as processed items, dairy products and grains, and restricts participants to meals that consist of lean meat, fruit, vegetables and “good” fats. While the foods that compose the diet are all part of a healthy eating plan, it can be harmful to cut dairy completely out of your diet.


The Dukan Diet

Devised by French nutritionist Dr. Pierre Dukan, this high-protein, no-carb plan consists of four stages. Opinions on the Dukan Diet are split – many people have reported amazing weight loss, but there’s also a lot of controversy over whether the diet is safe.


If you’re considering one of the weight-loss techniques outlined above – or any other fad diet, for that matter – then you may have reached the point where you’re willing to try anything just to lose weight. The healthiest way to slim down is through sensible eating and regular exercise, and it’s important to remember that most weight-loss crazes haven’t been around long enough for us to fully understand their long-term effects. If you’re struggling with obesity and haven’t been successful in your efforts to shed the pounds, then bariatric surgery might be an option for you. The surgery will really kick-start your weight-loss journey, and adopting a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise will seem so much easier following the procedure.




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