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October 20, 2014

Halloween “Trick-or-Treating” Candy Alternatives

Halloween “Trick-or-Treating” Candy Alternatives With the weight problem our children are facing, BMI of Texas wants to help you by providing some alternatives to passing out candy on Halloween.  Most children love candy and if they go trick-or-treating, they’ll be getting way more of their share.   There are also children who suffer from food allergies […]

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October 10, 2014

6 Delicious San Antonio Restaurants That Cater to Low Carb Diets

After a long day, it may be easier to enjoy a nice meal out and be free from prep work, cooking and cleaning up afterward. If you are a health-conscious eater, you know that finding healthy restaurants in San Antonio that cater to low carbohydrate diets can sometimes be challenging. However, there are many local […]

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September 23, 2014

Aimee Attempts Pre-Op

 BMI of Texas’ dietitian, Aimee Paladino, decided to take it into her own hands determine the trials and tribulations of the pre-operative diet. The diet is very basic and includes exchanging two meals for protein shakes and only having one small meal a day. The small meal consists of 3-4 oz of a lean meat […]

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September 9, 2014

New Doctor Spotlight – Dr. Englehardt

BMI of Texas is wants to shine the spotlight on one of our surgeons, Dr. Richard K. Englehardt. We know you’re anxious to hear more about him and the path that led him to perform bariatric surgery in San Antonio, Texas. With that in mind, here is a quick rundown of the specifics of Dr. Englehardt’s training […]

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August 27, 2014

Different Types of Slim-Down Diets

If you’re struggling to slim down enough to achieve your goal of a healthy, happy life, it can be tempting to try one of the many “miracle” weight loss techniques that pop up time and time again. If you’ve tried over and over to change your eating habits and exercise regime to no avail, then […]

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August 18, 2014

Reasons to avoid intermittent fasting

If you walk by any magazine rack you will see celebrity fad diets and “how they lost that weight so fast!” One of the latest trends to hit the scene is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting involves dramatically cutting down what you eat and going for long periods without ingesting anything at all. There are a […]

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July 30, 2014

Surgical Weight Loss Basics: What You Need to Know to Make the Decision

Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is used to modify the digestive process and kick-start weight loss, and it’s proven to be very successful as a long-term weight loss plan. Making the decision to choose surgical weight loss can be daunting though, so how do you know that it’s right for you? Is Weight Loss […]

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July 21, 2014

Low Carb Pasta Claims – Too good to be true?

  With the rise in low carb meal planners, the food industry is scrounging for ways to make alternative products for those who still want their pasta (and eat it too!) However, a word of advice is to always use caution when it comes to “low carb” labels. A good rule of thumb is if […]

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July 2, 2014

Sweet Tooth Out of Control?

Sweet tooth out of control? Below, “The Paleo Mom” explains WHY we have cravings & provides great tips on how to curb them. It’s important to understand why we have cravings in order to deal with them in the future. CRAVINGS “The study of cravings is a very interesting research field. Cravings are complex, sometimes rooted […]

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January 20, 2014

Cut Your Carb Intake with these Yummy Substitutions

I just received an e-mail from Men’s Health magazine that had some great tips for taking your favorite carb dishes and replacing them with really tasty lower-carb alternatives. These sounded so good to me, I wanted to share them with you. For Sandwiches Substitute: Napa or Chinese cabbage for bread Put your turkey and Swiss onto […]

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