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August 25, 2016

How to transform your dream fitness goals into your weight loss reality

Setting a weight loss goal may seem overwhelming at first, especially if you’d like to lose a significant amount of weight. Just the thought of the number can be intimidating enough to make the reality of your dream seem far away. You may be tempted to set intense health and fitness goals in order to […]

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August 24, 2016

Back-to-school health: 6 tips for parents on the go

Back-to-school season can be chaotic for parents who are running here and there, taking their children to school and seemingly endless extracurricular activities. It can be tempting for parents on the go to make poor food choices and give up on working out, letting their back-to-school health slide. These healthy tips for parents will help […]

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7 easy, everyday tricks to lose weight naturally

Losing weight can be a challenge, but small, easy changes can reap large benefits, especially if you incorporate several into your weight-loss plan. The following seven simple, everyday tricks will show you how to lose weight naturally. Drink plenty of water Water helps you stay hydrated, so you’re less likely to confuse thirst with hunger […]

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August 11, 2016

How to create a healthy meal plan with high protein food items

If you’re interested in how to create a healthy meal plan with plenty of high protein food items, these tips will help. Why eat foods high in protein? Protein is an important part of any eating plan, and high protein diets have become a popular way to try to lose weight. Protein helps your body […]

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August 3, 2016

Fitness techniques & distractions: Things to do while working out

We exercise for many reasons – to be healthier and to achieve weight and fitness goals are two that come to mind. We want to be stronger, more vibrant and to improve the quality of our lives. Sadly, working out can sometimes be as exciting as watching paint dry. On the other hand, sometimes we push ourselves so […]

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July 15, 2016

Your nutrition label guide to weight loss & healthy eating

The nutrition label that comes attached to most packaged foods is an important source of information for healthy weight loss. However, nutrition labels can be confusing to read, especially for health-conscious dieters concerned with minimizing their carb intake. Here is a nutrition label guide to help you make the healthiest food choices on your weight […]

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How to stop the never-ending cycle of weight gain and stress

Chewed out by your boss? Had another less-than-stellar date? You feel out of control and powerless, with no clue how to fix whatever it is that needs fixing. Comfort is your immediate thought – you’ll do anything to feel better, even if it’s only a temporary fix. If your first thought is to stop by […]

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July 12, 2016

Your summer guide to eating healthy at a Texas barbecue

Hot weather is here, and BBQ season is in full gear. For health-minded folks like you, enjoying a Texas barbecue shouldn’t mean staring from the sidelines while friends wolf down unhealthy foods that used to be on your menu. Eating high-carb potato salads and highly processed chips and sweets will derail your goals quickly, but that doesn’t mean […]

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Losing weight like the pros—tips and tricks from professional athletes on staying fit

Some people aspire to hoop like Tony Parker, hit like Jose Bautista or jump like Andre Johnson. Others simply want to lose weight and stay in shape. Both can learn a lot from professional athletes. Sure, world-class athletes have some advantages the average fans can’t compete with. Professional athletes get paid handsomely to ensure their bodies are […]

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June 17, 2016

Summer dishes that are easy to make & even easier to eat!

The sun is high in the sky and warm weather is upon us; nobody wants to be trapped in a hot kitchen, but luckily, preparing healthy food for summer meals can be quick and easy. Here are a few recipes to make eating healthy a snap this summer. Delicious summer seafood appetizer Seafood is a […]

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