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September 23, 2015

How young is too young for weight loss surgery?

What is bariatric surgery age limit? Have you heard that weight loss surgery options are only available to patients 18 years and older? It’s true that the FDA has only approved gastric bands for adults age 18 and up, but what’s the reason behind the suggested age limit for bariatric procedures? Is it dangerous to have […]

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September 15, 2015

Hey San Antonians! 6 health benefits of being a locavore

In the animal kingdom, there are carnivores who eat only meat, herbivores who eat only plants and omnivores who eat both. Then there are locavores—people interested in eating seasonal, locally grown food. The locavore movement is strong here in San Antonio, and for good reason. The warm climate allows farmers to grow many types of healthy […]

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September 14, 2015

The fascinating pros and cons of different weight loss surgeries

If you have struggled to lose weight for years, you may be at your wits’ end comparing different weight loss options. Have you considered surgery? As long as you meet the requirements for weight loss surgery – including being 18 years of age or older and having a high body mass index and obesity-related health problems – […]

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September 3, 2015

Probiotics: Why eating bugs is good for your digestion

We all know that yogurt is good for you, but why? One reason is that yogurt (and other fermented foods, such as miso, some juices and soy beverages) contain probiotics. What exactly are probiotics and how do they aid digestion? Once you get the answers to your questions, you can begin down the path to […]

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August 17, 2015

5 San Antonio government programs committed to improving local health

Did you know that the adult obesity rate for Bexar County dropped from 35 percent to 29 percent between 2010 and 2012? Government programs, community organizations and private agencies have come together to help promote a healthier San Antonio that is focused on nutrition, fitness and active living. Some of the most notable San Antonio […]

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August 12, 2015

The effects of bariatric surgery on childbirth

The US National Library of Medicine states that about one in five pregnant women are obese, a majority of those women being of reproductive age. If you’re overweight, you may wonder how your extra pounds affect your fertility. This could be the perfect time to undergo your chosen type of bariatric surgery for long-term weight […]

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August 7, 2015

5 Painful Stigmas People That Are Obese Experience

It’s a fair assumption to conclude that most people know how it feels to be judged on appearance alone. So many unfair stigmas exist – stigmas that can make it difficult to live a full life. The worst part is, in many cases, these stigmas have no basis in reality! Here are just five of […]

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August 4, 2015

Weight loss grocery checklist: 10 must-have items

You may recognize the importance of exercising to lose weight, but what about your diet? If you’re not eating right, it doesn’t matter how much you exercise; you won’t see the results you’re after. As you plan your menu for the next month, be sure to incorporate each of these 10 weight loss foods on […]

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July 24, 2015

4 Nutritious Alternatives for Junk Food Cravings

Being healthy isn’t about eating less; it’s about eating right. As you explore your weight loss options, keep in mind that you’ll be faced with temptations on your journey down the road to a slimmer you. When your sweet tooth starts screaming or you’re craving something salty, consider these healthy food alternatives. They’re close enough […]

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July 15, 2015

Love the Skin You’re in With Body Contouring Procedures

by Matt Bindewald MD at Plastic Surgery Texas I Had Weight Loss Surgery… Now What? If you have lost your excess weight through diet and exercise alone, or with the assistance of bariatric surgery, your achievement is to be applauded. However, it may have left you with some new challenges. Significant weight loss can result […]

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