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December 17, 2015

Healthy holiday desserts: 4 ways to wow your crowd

Of all the things that make this such a wonderful time of year, delicious desserts take the cake. Impress your family and friends this holiday season by preparing some tasty treats of your own. Any of these four health-conscious holiday delights are sure to be the talk of any party—and later, when everyone asks for […]

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December 4, 2015

Holiday dieting: Trade your stress for success

If you are working on becoming a healthier version of yourself this year, how can you make dieting during the holidays a stress-free activity? Whether you have had bariatric surgery or are losing weight with a trained medical team, just stick to your goals and keep the following holiday diet tips in mind. Holiday dieting […]

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December 1, 2015

November: Month of the turkey

When you look at the nutritional value of turkey, you might wonder why so many people eat it just once a year! Most generally only consider the dish during Thanksgiving because of the labor-intensive preparation that goes into it, but the incredible health benefits of turkey make it a perfect substitute for other proteins year […]

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November 25, 2015

Holiday Gift Ideas for the Health Enthusiast in Your Life

‘Tis the season to go shopping! And, let’s face it, we all have one or two people on our lists over whom we scratch our heads when it comes time to make a purchase. If those individuals happen to be on the path to a healthier life, keep these gift ideas in mind while doing […]

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November 20, 2015

A Healthy Thanksgiving Starts at the Dinner Table

There’s no need to dread the holidays as long as you have a healthy eating plan in place. Even a feast like Thanksgiving has plenty of alternative, low-carb recipes to get creative with. When planning your menu for the big day, consider these tidbits of advice to keep you on track to meet your weight […]

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November 12, 2015

Taking steps toward a healthy you

Losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle is a journey that can begin with a single step. Downtown San Antonio has nearly 22 miles of dedicated walking routes, which are a great place to start. This is your guide to some of the wonderful things the city has to offer once you take those first […]

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October 29, 2015

Top 10 Terrifying Halloween Treats and Some Healthier Alternatives

It’s the day after Halloween, and it hits you—the Halloween candy hangover. It’s a real thing! Every year, we tell ourselves we’ll be better and will practice restraint, and yet every year, we repeat the same mistake: candy overload. Prevent this annual regret and still enjoy the fun by staying informed. The Top 10 Worst […]

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October 26, 2015

Navigating the Post-Bariatric Surgery Diet: What Can I Eat After Gastric Sleeve?

Your Comprehensive Guide to a Healthy Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Welcome to your comprehensive guide on the post-bariatric surgery diet, specifically focusing on the diet after gastric sleeve surgery. As your nutritional guidepost, we will explore what you can eat after gastric sleeve and why this diet is of paramount importance. Gastric sleeve surgery, […]

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October 19, 2015

Best San Antonio Trails to Hike This Autumn

San Antonio is absolutely stunning this time of year! Why not get out and enjoy the cooler weather with a little San Antonio hiking? Here’s a look at some of the best trails in our area. McAllister Park – Blue Loop Rated at moderate difficulty, the Blue Loop through McAllister Park features beautiful views and […]

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October 15, 2015

What to expect: The journey after weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery will definitely impact your life for the better. Many weight-related health problems will improve and you’ll feel more self-confident and energetic. Still, life after weight loss surgery is not without its ups and downs. You’ll have to alter the way you eat and will undoubtedly experience some profound life changes. Here’s a […]

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