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August 27, 2014

Different Types of Slim-Down Diets

If you’re struggling to slim down enough to achieve your goal of a healthy, happy life, it can be tempting to try one of the many “miracle” weight loss techniques that pop up time and time again. If you’ve tried over and over to change your eating habits and exercise regime to no avail, then […]

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July 21, 2014

Low Carb Pasta Claims – Too good to be true?

  With the rise in low carb meal planners, the food industry is scrounging for ways to make alternative products for those who still want their pasta (and eat it too!) However, a word of advice is to always use caution when it comes to “low carb” labels. A good rule of thumb is if […]

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July 2, 2014

Sweet Tooth Out of Control?

Sweet tooth out of control? Below, “The Paleo Mom” explains WHY we have cravings & provides great tips on how to curb them. It’s important to understand why we have cravings in order to deal with them in the future. CRAVINGS “The study of cravings is a very interesting research field. Cravings are complex, sometimes rooted […]

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January 20, 2014

Cut Your Carb Intake with these Yummy Substitutions

I just received an e-mail from Men’s Health magazine that had some great tips for taking your favorite carb dishes and replacing them with really tasty lower-carb alternatives. These sounded so good to me, I wanted to share them with you. For Sandwiches Substitute: Napa or Chinese cabbage for bread Put your turkey and Swiss onto […]

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October 27, 2013

The Skinny on Artificial Sweeteners

Invariably when I give my new patient seminar the question about whether or not to use artificial sweeteners comes up. It is certainly a very valid question and one that perplexes many people. For decades, researchers have attempted to sort out the facts about artificial sweeteners. Are they safe? Are they healthy? Do they help […]

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August 13, 2013

Juicing: Should I jump on the bandwagon?

Juicing blender sales are on the rise this year with sales up to $784 million as of May 2013. (1) There are also several juicing hot spots popping up like Smoothie King and Jamba Juice that are gaining in popularity. McDonald’s also now sells a “fruit” smoothie. Since juicing seems like the new craze and health […]

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July 27, 2013

Include These Foods to Help Make The Perfect Refrigerator

Most of you have heard countless times ( oftentimes from me) that when shopping, the best way to ensure you are making the healthiest choices is to stick to the outer perimeter of the store. Below I have highlighted some foods you will find in these sections that I highly recommend you stock your fridge with. These […]

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July 2, 2013

As a Matter of Fat

Emerging research points out that as a nation, we share a major misconception about the role fats play in our diet—especially when it comes to that dreaded word…. cholesterol! On a recent podcast from the website Living La Vida Low Carb (a great source for many insightful theories on nutrition), Dr. David Diamond, a research […]

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April 3, 2013

Losing weight: What you have to know before starting your next diet

Nowadays, just about every magazine you pick up at your local grocery store has an article featuring some type of nutrition and dietary recommendations. Diets include low fat, low carb, Zone, Paleo, Mediterranean, and the list goes on and on. Don’t forget the supplements promoted to help fat magically melt away like Raspberry Ketones, HCG, […]

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January 25, 2012

Get Rid of the Carbs & Leave Paula Deen Alone!

You may have noticed all the hoopla surrounding the recent announcement that famous southern chef Paula Deen has diabetes. Is anyone surprised? Were we under the impression that somehow she was promoting healthy cooking? Not knowing anything else about her personal diet, family history, or lifestyle, it came as no surprise to me that she has diabetes […]

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